Thursday, February 4, 2010

Can a female dog go into heat immediately following a false pregnancy?

My female boston terrier experienced a false pregnancy recently. Her Vulva is still swollen. I just need to know if she is still receptive and possibly fertile. She went into heat on April 3rd. I am looking for a 3rd opinion. My friend who has bred and shown dogs for 30 yrs says to take her to the vet. I took my dog to the vet, and the vet said their isn't anything wrong with her. She did an ultrasound to confirm the false pregnancy and to look for Pyrometra.Can a female dog go into heat immediately following a false pregnancy?
No! she probably won't come in heat again until October...most dogs only have 2 heat cycles in a 12 month period...some even only have one.Can a female dog go into heat immediately following a false pregnancy?
It is not normal for a dog to go into heat directly after a false pregnancy. You need to take her to the vet. She could have gotten pregnant, but miscarried. It is very possible that she is suffering from pyometra. This condition involves an infection in the womb resulting in green or red thick discharge. This is a serious problem that may require surgery to save your dog's life and in severe cases removal of the ovaries and the womb.
Your dog is find, because the vet said it to you. Maybe you can notice something wrong with your dog, its natural because she is in the state of pregnancy.

When my Pitt/Lab went through her false pregnancy, she never had another heat.

yay TD for the truth!

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