Thursday, February 4, 2010

My cat is in false heat, and seems to be miserable, and meows non-stop!?

Is there anyway to make her feel better?? She just seems miserable like she is being abused or something!!My cat is in false heat, and seems to be miserable, and meows non-stop!?
It is possible when she was speyed, that a small part of the ovary was left behind, this can lead to false calling. Take her to the vet for a full checkup as even the slightest change in behaviour or personality in a cat can be a sign of illness, best to be sure and if it's an ovarian remnant, the vet can help you with that too as your cat will continue to call.

It can take time for the hormones to settle after desexing, but if she's really not happy then she needs to see a vet for treatment.

Good luck, I hope your kitty is ok.

EDITED: Ring around the vets and ask if they will offer you a payment plan.My cat is in false heat, and seems to be miserable, and meows non-stop!?
play with her or get a male cat
Please call the vet and let them know how she is acting, and see what they have to say. Take care.
I'd set up a playdate with a male cat...
I think you are thinking of false pregnancy. There's no such thing as false heat. She could be meowing because she's in heat...cats generally go into heat continuously every 2 wks or so until they mate. That's just a cat thing. So she's behaving like a cat in heat. Now is the perfect time for her to get pregnant from a cat's logic because the kittens will be born about 63 days later in May, when it's nice and warm in mid-spring. She needs to be spayed asap. Vets spay cats that are in heat all the time, given that they are basically in heat pretty much nonstop about Feb through Aug. If she's already spayed and you think it could be a false pregnancy, she should be checked by a vet. good luck!
Maybe it is something else that is wrong with her. Is it false heat because she has already been spayed? I know my daughter's cat would do that, and she would meow for 3 or 4 days constantly, then it would begin to taper off. The cat never did stop doing it until she died with a non-curable liver disease
It is possible that even though she is spayed some of the tissue was not removed and she is technically in heat. Contact your vet
Since she is already spayed, the fact that she is meowing non-stop and seems miserable indicates that she is uncomfortable. Taking her to the vet for an exam to make sure she is not painful anywhere, having her temperature taken, making sure she is not dehydrated, etc. is probably your best bet. Also, make sure she is eating and drinking normally, and urinating and defecating normally.
Why do you think it's false heat??
How about getting her spayed? Sure stops all of that real quick!
you've done the right thing by having her spayed....that is all i know that you can do to stop it....although it seems not to have worked for you.....

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