Sunday, February 7, 2010

Y min pin girl is fixed and has begon to have false says she is fine. she is 8 years old.?

Honestly get a second opinion because it is possible if they don't completely take out one of the ovaries (a complete hysterectomy is done when an animal is spayed) it can still release hormones and cause these false heats. It also could not be a false heat but maybe another underlying problem so please go 2 another vet and get her checked out. She will be fine. Hope I was helpful and Good Luck!Y min pin girl is fixed and has begon to have false says she is fine. she is 8 years old.?
im sorry i dont understand your questionY min pin girl is fixed and has begon to have false says she is fine. she is 8 years old.?
what is your question?
have an ultra sound done to make sure the vet didnt miss anything, if it doesnt bother you she is fine, it happens sometimes
From the Detroit Public School system ';word of the day'; ';OMELETTE'; ~I dunno wa yu jus said but omelette slide dis time! -
You should probably have an ultrasound done to see if there were any remnants left of her uterus after the spay. I have seen animals that were spayed but had remnants left and they still go into heat

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