Thursday, February 4, 2010

True or False: The joule is the SI unit of heat?

True or False The amount of heat absorbed in a chemical reaction is measured with a thermometer.?

True or False--One calorie equals 4.184 joules.

True or False--Entropy is the heat content of a system under pressure.True or False: The joule is the SI unit of heat?
1) True Joule is SI unit of heat

2) False -- heat of reaction is measured in a calorimeter and is dependent upon sample mass

3) True -- 1 cal = 4.184J

4) FalseTrue or False: The joule is the SI unit of heat?
I'd say:

1. False. A thermometer measures the change in temperature, or thermal energy, of a substance. To figure out the amount of heat transfer, you would need to know the specific heat of the substance involved.

2. True

3. True (entropy is a measure of disorder in a system, in thermodynamics is can equate to heat).

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