Sunday, February 7, 2010

True or false - A release of heat occurs when water within a cloud forms ice.?

Do your own homework kid.True or false - A release of heat occurs when water within a cloud forms ice.?
Ask yourself this: Does the evaporation of your sweat cool your skin? If it does, does it mean that water going from solid to liquid (melting) or, from liquid to vapour (evaporation), needs to take heat energy?

Could it then be that the opposite; when water goes from vapour to liquid (condensation) or from liquid to solid (freeze) that it gives away energy in the form of heat?

Yes, all of the above is true: water that freezes give away heat. If you observe a thermometer near the ground as the temperature outside sinks below freezing point, you will see that when it comes to 0 C (32 F) and freezes, it makes a kind of stop there: The freezing process must first give away a bit of heat that warms up the air. Then it continues to fall.

The same can be observed when the temperature rises above freezing point; near the ground, it makes a stop before continuing.True or false - A release of heat occurs when water within a cloud forms ice.?
TRUE: the heat has to go somewhere when the water changes phases from liquid water to solid ice.

The freezing of a substance releases heat to the environment.

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