Sunday, February 7, 2010

Gas and heating-- true false questions?

1. gases dissolve better when the pressure on the solution is decreased

2. Heating a solution decreases the solubility of the gas in itGas and heating-- true false questions?
1. False, remember that when you increase the pressure you force the molecules to collide and to reduce the potential energy of collisions molecules dissolve in the solvent. Therefore if you decrease the pressure the molecules will tend to escape from the solution to be free because naturally gases are a little soluble in liquids.

2. True, if you increase the temperature the gases will escape, remember PV=nRT if you rearrange you get P=nRT/V and if T increases P increases and for the pressur to increase it is necessary that more molecules become to the gas phase. Heat increases solubility of ionic species only, not gas species.Gas and heating-- true false questions?
1 true----- im not entirely sure

2 false---- heating increases soluability.

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